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Meritage Coffee Table

Available in multiple sizes and finishes.

Meritage Tables exude luxury with Aluma-Forge™ Cold-Weld Construction, blending aluminum, stainless steel, and polymer for a durable, corrosion-resistant frame. The discreet leg leveling system, offering nearly 1″ of fine-tune adjustment at the top of the leg, ensures a seamless appearance. Tailored bezel finishes combine with Aluma-TEAK wood-grain or powder coated options, crafting an enduring, artisanal, and architectural aesthetic.
Meritage Coffee Table
31" / 76cm
W – 60" / 183cm H – 8" / 20cm
Meritage Coffee Table
31" / 76cm
W – 60" / 183cm H – 12" / 30cm

Meritage Large End Table

Available in multiple sizes and finishes.

Meritage Tables exude luxury with Aluma-Forge™ Cold-Weld Construction, blending aluminum, stainless steel, and polymer for a durable, corrosion-resistant frame. The discreet leg leveling system, offering nearly 1″ of fine-tune adjustment at the top of the leg, ensures a seamless appearance. Tailored bezel finishes combine with Aluma-TEAK wood-grain or powder coated options, crafting an enduring, artisanal, and architectural aesthetic.
Meritage Large End Table
31" / 79cm
W – 31" / 79cm H – 8" / 20cm
Meritage Large End Table
31" / 79cm
W – 31" / 79cm H – 31" / 79cm

Meritage Small End Table

Available in multiple sizes and finishes.

Meritage Tables exude luxury with Aluma-Forge™ Cold-Weld Construction, blending aluminum, stainless steel, and polymer for a durable, corrosion-resistant frame. The discreet leg leveling system, offering nearly 1″ of fine-tune adjustment at the top of the leg, ensures a seamless appearance. Tailored bezel finishes combine with Aluma-TEAK wood-grain or powder coated options, crafting an enduring, artisanal, and architectural aesthetic.
Meritage Small End Table
31" / 79cm
W – 20" / 51cm H – 8" / 20cm
Meritage Small End Table
31" / 79cm
W – 20" / 51cm H – 12" / 30cm

Meritage Side Table

Available in multiple sizes and finishes.

Meritage Tables exude luxury with Aluma-Forge™ Cold-Weld Construction, blending aluminum, stainless steel, and polymer for a durable, corrosion-resistant frame. The discreet leg leveling system, offering nearly 1″ of fine-tune adjustment at the top of the leg, ensures a seamless appearance. Tailored bezel finishes combine with Aluma-TEAK wood-grain or powder coated options, crafting an enduring, artisanal, and architectural aesthetic.
Meritage Side Table
20" / 51cm
W – 20" / 51cm H – 8" / 20cm
Meritage Side Table
20" / 51cm
W – 20" / 51cm H – 12" / 30cm
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