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Marquesa Sun Lounge

Available in multiple finishes.

The Marquesa Sun Lounges, designed by Dougan Clarke, embody sophisticated craftsmanship through Aluma-Forge™ Cold-Weld Construction—a cutting-edge fusion of aluminum, stainless steel, and polymer that creates a sleek, corrosion-resistant framework built to endure. Thoughtfully detailed with bespoke bezel, bar, and button accents, each lounge presents a tailored aesthetic that feels both artisanal and architectural.
Marquesa Sun Lounge
84" / 213cm
W – 36" / 91cm SH – 13" / 33cm

Marquesa Double Sun Lounge

Available in multiple finishes.

The Marquesa Sun Lounges, designed by Dougan Clarke, embody sophisticated craftsmanship through Aluma-Forge™ Cold-Weld Construction—a cutting-edge fusion of aluminum, stainless steel, and polymer that creates a sleek, corrosion-resistant framework built to endure. Thoughtfully detailed with bespoke bezel, bar, and button accents, each lounge presents a tailored aesthetic that feels both artisanal and architectural.
Marquesa Double Sun Lounge
84" / 213cm
W – 67" / 170cm SH – 13" / 33cm
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